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February Roll-Up: Must-Read's

Missing the blog lately? Thanks for your grace and patience as our month has been filled with celebration, knowledge, and so much action swirling around from our TFA's 25th Anniversary Summit. Stay tuned for regular updates.

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"Twenty-five years. 50,000 teachers. 42,000+ alumni. Millions of kids. That's a lot of students and a lot of people working in and out of the classroom to expand educational opportunities in America. And everyone's got a story.


One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. All children in this country deserve an education that prepares them to reach their full potential, regardless of where they live, what their families earn, and the color of their skin. Here is a glimpse of what is happening in Northeastern Oklahoma as we align our regional priorities to the national Teach For America movement.

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